Rifle Categories

For scoring and awards we have established a bunch of rifle categories to cater for the diverse range of firearms our members and guests use.

All range users need to be aware of the calibre limitations as set out in the Range Standing Orders (RSO) for the Hornsby Rifle Range.  Maximum 8mm centrefire rifles on the main range or full bore range.  For blackpowder rifles shooting lead projectiles the calibre limit is 0.75inch.

Here goes…..

Field Class Standard

Any sporting rifle up to 8mm calibre utilising telescopic sights.

This category is shot prone at 300m, sitting or kneeling at 200m and standing at 100m.

Field Class Supported

Any sporting rifle up to 8mm calibre utilising telescopic sights, shot in the prone/supported position (being a shooting bench or prone with front and rear support) at any distance.

Service Class

This category is shot prone at 300m, sitting or kneeling at 200m and standing at 100m.

SRA – military rifles standard as issued

SRB – military rifles modified with Central Sights and/or heavy barrel

SRC –  military Sniper Rifles (up to Korean War) or issued military rifles (again up to Korean War) fitted with telescopic sights (Maximum 8 power)

Service Class Supported

SRA or SRB military rifles shot in the prone/supported position (being a shooting bench or prone with front and rear support) at any distance.

Service Sniper

Any military Sniper Rifles (up to Korean War) or issued military rifles (again up to Korean War) fitted with telescopic sights (Maximum 8 power) shot in the prone/supported (being a shooting bench or prone with front and rear support) position at any distance.

BlackPowder Categories


Percussion cap or primer ignition only permitted in this category.

Standard range and competition rules apply.

See also rules and match conditions specific to black powder long arms.

Reproduction means ‘in the spirit’ of the original pattern as-made.


Bore size permitted up to 0.751 inch (19 mm).

Smooth and Rifled bores permitted (scored separately), percussion cap only.

Rear sights not permitted in most events, unless of the fixed type.

Paper cartridges should only be prepared at events in approved designated locations. Care must be taken to make sure spilt powder on the bench does not accumulate to become a hazard.

Original or reproduction, in keeping with historical detail and original pattern, except as required by match conditions and / or rules.


Bore size permitted up to 0.75 (19 mm).

Rifled bores.

Rear sights iron or aperture only, scored separately.

Ammunition taken to the line shall be in a suitable ammunition box.

Where cartridges are used for breech seating there shall be no loose powder in the case. A secure wad must be in place over the top of the powder.

Original or reproduction, in keeping with historical detail and original pattern, except as required by match conditions and / or rules.