October 2024

Field and Service Results Sunday 7th October 2024 at 200 Metres


September 2024

Field and Service Results Sunday 7th September 2024 at 200 Metres


August 2024

Field and Service Results Sunday 7th August 2024 at 200 Metres


July 2024

Field and Service Results Sunday 7th July 2024 at 300 Metres

20 Shot Match + 2 sighters… Max Possible 100.20.20

Placing Competitor                                 Score
(Total . V’s . Pinholes)

FIELD CLASS supported

1st         Lionel Slade                                   93 . 6 . 1
2nd       Jonathan Stewart                      92 . 5 . 0
3rd        Kevin McDermott                     85 . 6 . 0
4th        Neil Mills                                        32 . 0 . 0
.             David Cornick                               RETIRED
.             Michael Gammidge                   RETIRED

FIELD CLASS standard

1st         Lisa McCarthy                             77 . 3 . 0
2nd       Mark Dabbs                                  72 . 3 . 0


1st         Lloyd Baldwin                             85 . 3 . 0
2nd       John Bi                                            64 . 0 . 0
3rd        Pat Hetherington                     61 . 0 . 0
4th        Dale Jackson                               57 . 1 . 0


1st         Linna Ng                                        59 . 0 . 0

Pin Hole: Lionel Slade: 1

Military Match 1 Results Sunday 7th July 2024 at 200 Metres

Maximum possible 100.20

10 shot application on a 4ft military target, then ten 4 second exposure on a Fig 11 target, 1 shot each exposure

Placing   Competitor                                   Appl                    Snap                     Agg
(Total . V’s)


1st         Lloyd Baldwin                           46.2.0                   27.0.0                    73.2.0
2nd       Vadim Kaluzny                         45.3.0                   27.0.0                    72.3.0
3rd        Dale Jackson                             45.2.0                   24.1.0                    69.3.0


1st         Linna Ng                                     49.3.1                   40.2.0                    89.5.1

FIELD CLASS supported

=1st        Jonathan Stewart                  50.9.0                   50.6.0                    100.15.0
=1st        Kevin McDermott                 50.9.0                   50.6.0                    100.15.0
3rd        Lionel Slade                                 50.10.0                 48.9.0                    98.19.0
4th        Michael Gammidge                 49.4.0                   46.2.0                     95.6.0
5th        Pat Hetherington                     42.1.0                   20.0.0                     62.1.0


1st         Mark Dabbs                              44.2.0                   14.0.0                    58.2.0
2nd       Lisa McCarthy                          41.2.0                   11.0.0                    52.2.0

Pin Holes: Linna Ng: 1

     Field and Service Results Sunday 14th July 2024 at 100 Metres

27 Competitors

                                                            Field Class Standing

Placing          Competitor                                     Score                         Pinholes

1st                   Chris Swadling                                93.5

2nd                   Kevin Mc Dermott                        88.4

3rd                   David Stokes                                   77.0

4th                   Michael Gammidge                      65.1

5th                   Rob Greenberg                              63.0

                                                     Field Class Prone/ Supported

1st                   Lionel Slade                                     100.20                                  4

2nd                   Rick Suffield                                    100.15

3rd                   Len Stow                                          95.18                                     4

4th                   Javid Nabavi                                    95.15                                     2

5th                   Paul Boardman                              94.7

6th                   Mark Inkley (Assoc)                      89.14

7th                   Anthony Stacey (Assoc)              83.9                                       1

8th                   Si Qi Chen                                        80.12

9th                   John Kelly                                        80.4

10th                 Pat Hetherington                          75.8                                       1

                                                            Service Class SRA Standing

1st                   Allan Daniel                                    86.4                                       1

2nd                   James Taylor                                   84.1

3rd                   John Bi                                              81.3

4th                   Brett Swadling                               80.0

5th                   Sam Chan                                         73.4

                                                            Service Class SRA Prone

1st                   John Ladyman                                 95.9

2nd                   Dale Jackson                                   95.8

3rd                   Daniel Mason (Visitor)                90.3

4th                   Lloyd Baldwin                                 84.5                                       1

                                                                SRC Service Sniper

1st                   Linna Ng                                           100.14

2nd                   Bill Daniel                                        79.1

3rd                   Michael Daniel (Retired)            54.0

Military Match 3 – Sunday 14th July 2024 at 200 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

10 shot application on a 4ft military target, then ten 4 second exposures, 1 shots per exposure on a figure 12 target – 22 shots inc sighters

18 competitors

Service Rifle SRA – Supported

1st           Daniel Mason                                    47.0                        30.1                        70.1

2nd          Sam Chan                                            46.3                        26.1                        72.4

3rd           Luke Oitzinger                                   47.3                        25.0                        72.3

4th           David Stokes                                      48.1                        15.0                        63.1

5th           Vadim Kalunzy                                  40.1                        4.0                          44.1

Service Rifle SRA – Standard (Kneeling/Sitting at 200m)

1st           Allan Daniel                                        42.0                        27.3.1                    69.3.1

2nd          James Taylor                                      43.0                        13.0                        56.0

Service Rifle SRB – Supported

1st           John Ladyman                                   40.0                        3.0                          43.0

Service Rifle SRC – Sniper

1st           Lloyd Baldwin                                    48.4                        47.5                        95.9

2nd          Linna Ng                                               45.2                        44.1                        89.3

3rd           Bill Daniel                                            46.0                        12.0                        58.0

Field Rifle – Supported

1st           Lionel Slade                                        50.10                     50.10                     100.20

2nd          Rick Suffield                                       50.9                        50.7                        100.16

3rd           Anthony Stacey                                48.0                        41.4                        89.4

4th           Mark Inkley (A)                                 48.0                        35.1                        83.1

5th           Vikram Paddiparthy (TM)             40.1                        37.3                        77.4

6th           Michael Gammidge                         50.4                        9.0                          59.4

Field Standard (Kneeling/Sitting at 200m)

1st           Kevin McDermott                            45.3                        35.2                        86.5

  Field and Service Results Sunday 21st July at 300 Metres

Very windy and gusty day today.

                                                Field Class – Standard

Placing       Competitor                           Score

2nd              Simon Smithers                     83.2

3rd              Graeme Levitt                       81.1

4th              Kevin Mc Dermott                79.6

                                      Field Class – Supported

1st               Lionel Slade                           91.6

2nd             James Taylor                         85.7

3rd             Rick Suffield                          83.8

4th             Si Qi Chen                              79.1

5th             Michael Daniel                      75.3

6th              David Cornick                        64.2

7th              Michael Gammidge              62.0

8th              Vikram Vaddiparthy             59.0

9th              John Kelly                              16.0

                                                SRA – Standard

1st               Michal Kucharsky                 88.2

2nd              Lloyd Baldwin                        81.2

3rd              Dale Jackson                          72.2

4th              John Bi                                   72.0

5th              Rob Greenberg                     72.0

6th              Pat Hetherington                  70.0

7th              Brett Swadling                      66.1

8th              John Ladyman                       46.0

                                                SRC – Service Sniper

1st               Linna Ng                                 87.3

2nd              Len Stow                                57.0

Military Match 6 – Sunday 21st July 2024 at 300 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

10 shot application on a 4ft military target, then one 50 second exposure, 10 shots in that time,  figure 11 target – 22 shots inc sighters.  Gusty day – wind from the SW.  Very clear and bright.

12 competitors

Service Rifle SRA – Supported

1st           John Ladyman                                   18.0                        3.0                          21.0

Service Rifle SRA – Standard

1st           Vadim Kalunzy                                  45.1                        41.2                        86.3

Service Rifle SRC – Sniper

1st           James Taylor                                      50.2                        42.3                        92.5

2nd          Neil Mills                                              44.2                        23.2                        67.4

3rd           Linna Ng                                               47.2                        13.0                        60.2

Field Rifle – Supported

1st           Michal Kucharski                              50.9                        50.8                        100.17

2nd          Lionel Slade                                        50.8                        49.7                        99.15

3rd         Lloyd Baldwin                                    50.8                        49.2                        99.10

4th           Kevin McDermott                            50.6                        48.6                        98.12

5th           Simon Smithers (A)                         50.4                        47.3                        97.7

6th           Rick Suffield                                       50.9                        45.5                        95.9

7th           Michael Gammidge                         50.8                        20.1                        70.9

June 2024

Field and Service Results Sunday 9th June 2024 at 100 Metres

Field Class Standing

Placing          Competitor                                      Score             Pinholes

1st                    David Knott                                     79.0

2nd                  John Bi                                              76.0

3rd                   Ray Withnell                                   62.1

Field Class Prone

1st                    Michal Kucharski                           100.20           7

2nd                  Kevin Mc Dermott                         100.20

3rd                   Malcolm Day                                   100.19

4th                   Anthony Stacey (Assoc)               99.11

5th                   Pat Hetherington                           94.13

6th                   Ali Armin                                          84.16

Field Class Sitting

1sr                  Chris Goggin                                    97.10

Field Class Prone/Supported

1st                    Len Stow                                          100.20           4

2nd                  Neil Mills                                          100.19           2

3rd                   Michael Gammidge                      100.19           1

4th                   Geoffrey Horn                                100.15           2

5th                   John Kelly                                         92.5

6th                   Linna Ng                                           88.3

7th                   Richard Harper                               73.0

Field Match

1st                    David Brooks-Horn                       100.15           1

2nd                  Lionel Slade                                     99.16             14

3rd                   Lloyd Baldwin                                 95.19             5

Service Class Standing

1st                    James Taylor                                   93.3

2nd                  Allan Daniel                                     85.1

Service Class Prone

1st                    John Gale                                         98.6                1

2nd                  Rob Greenberg                               85.5

Service Class Sitting

1st                    Ross Blade                                       89.3

Rimfire Results Sunday 9th June 2024 at 75/50/25 Metres

36 shot match…. Maximum Possible 180.36

1st          Malcolm Day                                              180.14

2nd         Mark Greene                                              172.19

3rd         Lionel Slade                                                172.18

4th         Dale Jackson                                               `171.24

5th         Neil Mills                                                      171.21

6th         Michal Kucharski                                       171.18

7th         James Taylor                                               171.11

8th         Allan Daniel                                                162.15

9th         Lloyd Baldwin                                             162.13

10th       John Kelly                                                    141.16

11th       Linna Ng                                                       134.8

12th       Anthony Stacy                                            125.7

13th       Ray Withnell                                               113.1

Princess Louise Match – Sunday 16th June 2024

This match is shot at 300, 200 and 100 meters.  Starting at 300m and moving to 200 then 100 meters after all competitors have completed the course of fire at each distance.

300m prone on a military target – 2 sighters and then a 10 shot application, then 1 exposure of 50 seconds – 10 shots in that time (total 22 rounds).

200m sitting or kneeling – Fig 12 target, 2 sighters then 5 exposures of 8 seconds, 2 shots per exposure (total 12 rounds).

100m standing – Fig 13 target, 2 sighters then 10 exposures of 3 seconds, 1 shot per exposure (total 12 rounds).

Total match – 46 rounds   Maximum possible 200.40

Service Rifle SRA                           300m    300m    200m    100m    Total

1st          Lloyd Baldwin                  47.3       40.2       40.2       45.3       172.10

2nd         James Taylor                    42.0       44.1       34.0       36.3       156.4

3rd          Neil Mills                           44.1       33.0       34.1       42.2       153.4

4th          Michal Kucharski             47.1       44.0       23.0       26.2       140.3

5th          David Knott                      42.2       31.0       28.1       38.3       139.6

6th          John Bi                              37.3       43.0       23.0       25.0       128.3

7th          Daeya Ostlund                 41.1       34.0       17.0       24.1       116.2

8th          John Gale                          47.4.1   43.1       0.0         0.0         90.5.1

9th          BJ Taylor                           45.2       42.1       0.0         0.0         87.3

Service Rifle SRB

1st          Ross Blade                        40.2       34.1       0.0         0.0         74.3

Service Rifle SRC

1st          Linna Ng                            41.0       40.3       48.5       27.0       156.8

2nd         John Kelly                         42.0       37.1       0.0         0.0         79.1

Field Rifle

1st          Kevin McDermott           50.6.3   46.2       50.9       37.4       183.21.3

2nd         Bryan Mak                        50.5.1   41.1       44.3       48.5       183.14.1

3rd          Rick Suffield                     50.6.1   48.4       50.9       27.0       175.20.1

4th          Michael Gammidge        49.4       37.0       42.6       45.7       173.17

5th          Chris Goggin                     49.7       50.7       38.2       33.0       170.16

6th          Rob Greenberg                48.5       39.4       35.2       35.2       157.13

7th          Javid Nabavi                     50.9.2   43.5       0.0         0.0         93.14.2

Field Match

1st          Lionel Slade                      50.6       50.9.4   50.10    50.9       200.34.4

EO Sydney Results Wednesday  19th June 2024 at 200 Metres

15 shot application, prone on field and service target. Maximum possible score 75.15

Placing          Competitor                                      Score

Field Class

1st          Chris Gray                                            69.6

2nd          Owena Cleary                                      67.2

3rd          James Phillips                                      63.1

4th          Zenny Tran                                            63.0

5th          Michelle Romero                               33.0

Service Class

1st          Bruce Dyshart                                  65.2

.       Bruce’s   2nd shoot                                    73.5

2nd         Hans Dean                                           59.3

3rd          Jason Ince                                             59.0

4th          Daniel Young                                       58.1

5th           Chris Chen                                          57.1

6th           Lorraine Banvon                               55.1

7th           Natali Simonoski                              55.0

8th           Alana Stocks                                        54.0

9th           Georgina Dennis                                53.0

10th          Kieran Cato                                         52.2

11th          Cathy Huang                                       51.1

12th          Libbie Ray                                 50.0

13th          Clovis Young                                       47.1

=14th       Dean Vanes                                         45.0

=14th       John Mineeff                                        45.0

=16th       David Pattersson                               44.0

=16th       Dan Rodgers                                        44.0

PIN HOLE – Kieran Cato

May 2024


Field Class Sitting

Placing           Competitor                          Score             Pinholes

1st                   Brett Swadling                    92.3

2nd                  Ross Blade                            77.2

Field Class Prone

1st                   Kevin Mc Dermott             100.17           1

2nd                  Michal Kucharski                100.16           3

3rd                   Andrew Hestelow              97.11

4th                   Pat Hetherington               89.2

5th                   Guy Gillespie                       88.3

6th                   Kinh Gillespie (TM)             84.1

7th                   Vikram Paddiparthy (TM) 77.1

Field Class Prone/Supported

1st                   Paul Boardman                   99.12

2nd                  Rick Suffield                         98.12

3rd                   Michael Daniel                    95.4

4th                   Neil Mills                              93.6


Field Match

1st                   Lionel Slade                         98.16             5


Service Class Sitting

1st                   James Taylor                        79.2

2nd                  Allan Daniel                         72.0

Service Class Prone

1st                   Lloyd Baldwin                      94.3

2nd                  John Gale                              93.5                1

3rd                   Dale Jackson                        80.0

4th                   Rob Greenberg                   58.0

Service Sniper

1st                   Linna Ng                                86.3

2nd                  Bill Daniel                             72.1


Military Match 6 Sunday 19th May 2024 at 200 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

10 shot application on a 4ft military target, then one 50 second exposure on a Fig 12 target – 10 shots

15 competitors

Service Rifle SRA

1st                    Ross Blade                                40.0                 50.10                90.10

2nd                    Vadim Kalunzy                          49.3.2               17.0                 66.3.2

3rd                    Allan Daniel                              44.3                 21.2                 65.5

4th                    Dale Jackson                             34.1                 0                      34.1

Field Rifle

1st                     Lionel Slade                              50.10.1             50.9                 100.19.1

2nd                    Lloyd Baldwin                           50.10                50.9                 100.19

3rd                    Michal Kucharski                       50.10.1             50.8                 100.18.1

4th                    Linna Ng                                   50.10.3             50.6                 100.10.3

5th                    Kevin McDermott                      50.9                 48.4                 98.13

6th                    Rick Suffield                              50.10.1             48.2                 98.12.1

7th                    Michael Gammidge                   50.2                 40.4                 90.6

7th                    Kim Gillespie                             47.3                 43.3                 90.6

8th                    Guy Gillespie                            48.4                 29.1                 77.5

9th                    Vikram Paddiparthy                  46.2                 28.2                 74.4

10th                  Pat Hetherington                      49.4                 6                      55.4

11th                  Bill Daniel                                 38.0                 0                      38.0

Military Match 5 – Sunday 26th May 2024 at 300 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

10 shot application on a 4ft military target, then one 50 second exposure on a 4ft military target – 10 shots

25 competitors

Service Rifle SRA

1st           James Taylor                                      48.5                        43.1                        91.6

2nd          John Gale                                            48.1                        38.1                        86.2

3rd           Mark Greene                                     48.5.1                    33.5                        81.10.1

4th           Sam Chan                                            41.2                        25.0                        66.2

5th           John Bi                                                  43.0                        16.0                        59.0

6th           Pat Hetherington                             38.1                        14.0                        52.1

7th           Ross Blade                                           37.0                        0                              37.0

Service Rifle SRB

1st           Vadim Kalunzy                                  43.0                        30.0                        73.0

Service Rifle SRC

1st           Lloyd Baldwin                                    42.2                        35.0                        77.2

2nd          Linna Ng                                               42.1                        33.0                        75.1

3rd           Len Stow                                             41.0                        19.0                        60.0

4th           Graeme Levitt                                   19.0                        36.1                        55.1

5th           Trevor Moon (TM)                           21.1                        19.1                        40.2


Field Rifle

1st           Michal Kucharski                              50.10.3                  50.10                     100.20.3

2nd          Chris Goggin                                       50.9.1                    50.5                        100.14.1

3rd           Kevin McDermott                            50.7                        50.5                        10.12

4th           Lionel Slade                                        50.7                        45.6                        96.13

5th           Steve Wolfson (TM)                        48.4.1                    47.1                        95.5.1

6th           Michael Gammidge                         44.2                        37.0                        81.2

7th           Oxana Wolfson (TM)                       50.3.1                    29.2                        79.5.1

7th           Anthony Stacey                                41.1                        33.2                        74.3

8th           Garry Maunder                                 45.2.1                    27.5                        72.7.1

9th           Shizhong Chen (TM)                        46.2                        15                           61.2

10th         Shizhlo Zheng (TM)                         39.1                        0                              39.1

11th        Rob Greenburg                                 39.0                        0                              39.0

Military Match 2 – Sunday 26th May 2024 at 100 metres

Maximum possible 125.25

15 shot application on a 4ft military target, then five 15 second exposures, 2 shots per exposure on a figure 14 target – 27 shots inc sighters – Military Trainer match – shot prone

11 competitors

Service Rifle SRA – .22 Military Trainer

1st           Michal Kucharski                              75.13.3                  42.0                        117.13.3

2nd          Lloyd Baldwin                                    75.8                        21.0                        96.8

3rd           Bede Ireland                                      74.7                        22.0                        96.7

4th           Linna Ng                                               73.5                        15.0                        88.5

5th           James Taylor                                      71.2                        14.0                        85.2

6th           Mark Greene                                     63.2                        21.0                        84.2

Service Rifle SRA – Centrefire

1st           Sam Chan                                            69.4                        29.0                        98.4

2nd          Vadim Kalunzy                                  71.5                        16.0                        87.5

Field Rifle

1st           Michael Gammidge                         75.14.4                  48.0                        123.14.4

2nd          Chris Goggin                                       70.6.1                    44.0                        114.6.1

3rd           Lionel Slade                                        74.6                        36.0                        110.6

April 2024

Field and Service Results Sunday 7rd April 2024 at 300 Metres

20 Shot Match + 2 sighters… Max Possible 100.20.20
Placing Competitor                                 Score
(Total . V’s . Pinholes)

FIELD CLASS prone/supported

1st         Brett Swadling                       100 . 9 . 0
2nd       Mark Greene                             98 . 9 . 0
3rd        Michal Kucharski                    97 . 11 . 1
=4th    Lisa McCarthy                           97 . 8 . 1
=4th    Mark Dabbs                                97 . 8 . 1
6th        Bryan Mak                                   96 . 7 . 0
7th        Kevin McDermott                   95 . 4 . 0
8th        Rick Suffield                                85 . 3 . 1
9th        Sam Pountain (.TM)                85 . 2 . 0
10th      Lance Daniel (.TM)                  77 . 3 . 0
11th      Ali Armin (.TM)                         77 . 1 . 0
12th      Jack  Chow                                  76 . 3 . 0
13th      Michael Gammidge                75 . 0 . 0


1st         Leonard Stow                             94 . 11 . 1
2nd       Jarvid Nabavi                              83 . 5 . 0


1st         Lionel Slade                                 97 . 4 . 1


1st         Lloyd Baldwin                           78 . 3 . 0
=2nd   Graeme Levitt                            61 . 0 . 0
=2nd   Dale Jackson (.TM)                   61 . 0 . 0
4th        Jake Holland                               57 . 0 . 0
5th        Rob Greenberg                         48 . 0 . 0
6th        James Reville                              26 . 0 . 0
7th        Trevor Moon (.TM)                  7 . 0 . 0


1st         James Taylor                               86 . 3 . 0
2nd       Neil Mills                                      85 . 3 . 0
3rd        Linna Ng                                       67 . 1 . 1
4th        Michael Daniel                          56 . 6 . 0
5th        Bill Daniel                                    54 . 0 . 0
6th        RichardHarper                          44 . 0 . 0

Sniper Match Results Sunday 7rd April 2024 at 300 Metres

2 sighters. 5 X 4 second exposure on a Figure 13 target, reload (25 seconds only), then 5 X 4 second exposure on a Figure 13 target – yes you do it twice with 25 seconds between for reloading.
2 sighters. 5 X 4 second exposure on a Figure 14 target, reload (25 seconds only), then 5 X 4 second exposure on a Figure 13 target – yes you do it twice with 25 seconds between for reloading.

Maximum Score 100.10.10

Placing Competitor                               Figure 13             Figure 14             Agg

(Total . V’s . Pinholes)


1st         Lloyd Baldwin                            49.5.0                   49.0.0                    98.5.0
2nd       Michal Kucharski                     50.7.0                   41.0.0                    91.7.0
3rd        Marty Luke (Assoc)                45.4.0                   46.0.0                    91.4.0
4th        Kevin McDermott                  50.3.0                   41.0.0                    91.3.0
5th        Lionel Slade                                48.6.0                   42.0.0                    90.6.0
6th        Mark Dabbs                               48.4.0                   36.0.0                    84.4.0
7th        Lisa McCarthy                          50.2.0                   15.0.0                    65.2.0
8th        Linna Ng                                      40.1.0                   18.0.0                    58.1.0
9th        Jack  Chow                                 36.1.0                   9.0.0                      45.1.0


1st         Neil Mills                                    50.6.0                   15.0.0                    65.6.0
2nd       Vadim Kaluzny                         38.0.0                   26.0.0                    64.0.0
3rd        James Taylor                             24.0.0                   39.0.0                    63.0.0

Military Match 5 Results Sunday 14th April 2024 at 300 Metres

10 shot application on a 4ft military target, then 10 shots on 50 second exposure. Max score 100.20.20

Placing Competitor                               Appl                      Snap                      Agg
(Total . V’s . Pinholes)

FIELD CLASS prone/supported

1st         Kevin McDermott                  50.5.0                   50.7.0                    100.12.0
2nd       John Kelly                                  50.8.0                   50.3.0                    100.11.0
3rd        Jonathan Stewart (Assoc)   50.6.0                   49.3.0                    99.9.0
4th        Lisa McCarthy                          48.7.0                   49.5.0                    97.12.0
5th        Brent Mackie (.TM)               50.9.2                   45.7.0                    95.16.2
6th        Andreas Kaesbauer (.TM)  50.7.0                   45.4.0                    95.11.0
7th        Rob Greenberg                       49.3.0                   42.3.0                    91.6.0
8th        Michael Gammidge               49.4.2                   40.1.0                    89.5.2
9th        Rick Suffield                              48.3.0                   40.6.0                    88.9.0
10th      Mark Dabbs                              50.8.1                   37.4.0                    87.12.1
11th      Thomas West                           50.8.1                   35.5.0                    85.13.1


1st         Lloyd Baldwin                           50.7.0                   50.4.0                    100.11.0
2nd        Lionel Slade                              50.10.0                 48.8.0                    98.18.0
3rd         Linna Ng                                     46.4.0                   48.6.0                    94.10.0


1st         Michal Kucharski                     41.0.0                   33.0.0                    74.0.0
2nd       Dale Jackson                              24.0.0                   24.0.0                    48.0.0
3rd        Pat Hetherington                    31.0.0                   9.0.0                      40.0.0


1st         Vadim Kaluzny                         44.2.1                   30.0.0                    74.2.1


1st         Neil Mills                                     48.0.0                   40.2.0                    88.2.0
2nd         John Gale                                  49.3.0                   27.2.0                    76.5.0
3rd       Leonard Stow                            48.3.1                   27.1.0                    75.4.1
4th        Graeme Levitt                          38.0.0                   25.0.0                    63.0.0

Military Match 9 Results Sunday 14th April 2024 at 500 Metres

15 shot application on a 4ft military target. Max score 75.15.15

Placing Competitor                                 Score
(Total . V’s . Pinholes)

FIELD CLASS prone/supported

1st         Brent Mackie (.TM)                 75 . 9 . 1
2nd       Marty Luke (Assoc)                  73 . 3 . 0
3rd        Mark Dabbs                                 69 . 2 . 1
4th        Kevin McDermott                     67 . 5 . 0
5th        Lisa McCarthy                             66 . 3 . 0
6th        Luke Oitzinger                            66 . 2 . 0
7th        Jonathan Stewart (Assoc)     64 . 4 . 0
8th        Andreas Kaesbauer (Assoc) 63 . 4 . 0
9th        Michael Gammidge                 57 . 1 . 0
10th      Rick Suffield                                56 . 1 . 0


1st         Lionel Slade                                 74 . 5 . 0
2nd       Lloyd Baldwin                             73 . 9 . 3
3rd        Linna Ng                                        69 . 4 . 0


1st         Michal Kucharski                       56 . 0 . 0


1st         John Gale                                      69 . 2 . 0

Owen Clark Memorial Lee-Enfield v Mausers Sunday 21st April 2024

22 Shot Match at 200 Metres using the field and service match format.

Lee- Enfield

Placing          Competitor                          Score             Pinholes

1st                   John Gale                             98.9                1

2nd                  Bede Ireland                       97.4

3rd                   Neil Mills                              87.3

4th                   Michal Kucharski               85.1

5th                   Vadim Kaluzny                   84.0

6th                   SDam Chan (Visitor)         83.1

7th                   Allan Daniel                         82.4

8th                   Michael Gammidge          70.0

9th                   Dale Jackson                       61.0

Average Score        83.2


1st                   Len Stow                              92.5

2nd                  Lloyd Baldwin                     87.2

3rd                   James Taylor                       84.3

4th                   Rob Greenberg                   67.0

Average Score        82.3

Once again, Lee-Enfields Win!

 Field and Service Results Sunday 21st April 2024 at 200 Metres

Field Class

Placing           Competitor                          Score             Pinholes

1st                   Marty Luke                           100.20

2nd                  Kevin Mc Dermott             99.12             1

3rd                   Chris Swadling                     97.15             2

4th                   Stephen Wolfson               95.9

5th                   Rob Stow  (Visitor) 94.5

6th                   Brendan Srow (Visitor)     87.2

7th                   Oxana Wolfson (Visitor)   86.5

8th                   Brett Swadling                    75.1

Field Class Prone/Supported

1st                   John Kelly                             99.15             3

2nd                  Paul Boardman                   97.10             2

3rd                   Rick Suffield                         94.14

4th                   Geoff Horn                           94.7

5th                   Michael Daniel                    90.4                1

6th                   Therese Bender (Visitor)  68.0

Field Match

1st                   Lionel Slade                         100.15           2

2nd                  David Brooks-Horn 80.4


Service Class

1st                   Pat Hetherington               84.3

2nd                  Graeme Levitt                     71.0

Service Sniper

1st                   Bill Daniel                             91.6

2nd                  Linna Ng                                86.0

3rd                   Richard Harper                   76.2                1

Military Match 1 Sunday 21st April 2024 at 400 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

10 shot application on a 4ft military target, then ten 4 second exposures on a Fig 11 target – 10 shots.

This match was a serious challenge using the Fig 11 at 400m, looking to the west into the setting sun, the light conditions and the colour of the Fig 11 made it very difficult to see.

18 competitors

Service Rifle SRA                                               Appl                 Rapid                Agg

1st                    Dale Jackson                             39.1                 21.0                 60.1

2nd                    John Bi                                     39.2                 17.0                 56.2

3rd                    Lloyd Baldwin                           32.1.1               18.2                 50.3.1

This is a great effort with a 130 year old military rifle with a questionable bore.

4th                    Sam Chan                                 37.0                 6.0                   43.0

5th                    Michal Kucharski                       29.0                 12.0                 41.0

6th                    Michael Woods                         20.0                 5.0                   25.0

Service Rifle SRB

1st                     John Gale                                 50.8                 31.2                 81.10

2nd                    Bede Ireland                             37.1                 39.0                 76.1

3rd                    Vadim Kaluzny                          23.0                 3.0                   26.0


Service Sniper

1st                    Marty Luke                               49.3                 40.2                 89.3

2nd                    James Taylor                             47.2                 39.1                 86.3

3rd                    Neil Mills                                  42.3                 37.1                 77.4

4th                    Bill Daniels                                41.1                 9.1                   50.2

Field Rifle

1st                    Lionel Slade                              49.8                 50.9                 99.18

2nd                    Kevin McDermott                      49.6                 48.6                 97.12

3rd                   Rick Suffield                              47.2                 44.2                 91.4

4th                   Linna Ng                                   46.4                 41.3                 87.7

5th                   Michael Gammidge                   49.3                 37.1                 86.4

March 2024

Field and Service Results Sunday 3rd March 2024 at 300 Metres

Field Class

Placing          Competitor                                      Score             Pinholes

1st                   Kevin Mc Dermott                         97.8                1

2nd                  Michal Kucharski                           95.7                1

3rd                   Ali Armin (Visitor)                         92.1

Field Class Prone/ Supported

1st                   Javid Nabavi                                    93.10

2nd                  Dylan Maunder                              85.7

3rd                   Jack Chow                                        84.6

4th                   David Cornick                                 833

Service Class

1st                   Bryan Mak                                       100.15           1

2nd                  Lloyd Baldwin                                 82.3                1

3rd                   Allan Daniel                                     81.2

4th                   James Taylor                                   80.2               2                                                      (Not bad for a 110yr old rifle)

5th                   BJ Taylor                                           72.2

6th                   Daeya Ostlund                                70.0

7th                   Graeme Levitt                                 67.0

8th                   Rob Greenberg                               65.1

Service Sniper

1st                   Len Stow                              92.3

2nd                  Neil Mills                              86.3

3rd                   Garry Maunder                  84.1


Field Match

1st                   Lionel Slade                         95.9                1

2nd      Linna Ng                               46.0

Rimfire Results Sunday 3rd March 2024 at 75/50/25 Metres

36 shot match…. Maximum Possible 180.36

1st        Allan Daniel                                         177.20

2nd       Lionel Slade                                         172.17

3rd        James Taylor                                       171.22

4th        Michal Kucharski                                 171.21

5th        Lloyd Baldwin                                     167.20

6th        Neil Mills                                             162.11

7th        Kevin McDermott                               144.10

8th        Linna Ng                                              130.12

Field and Service Results Sunday 10th March 2024 at 100 Metres

Field Class Standing

Placing          Competitor                          Score             Pinholes

1st                   Rob Greenberg                   86.2                1

2nd                  David Knott                         81.0


Field Class Prone

1st                   Kevin Mc Dermott             100.20           7

2nd                  Dylan Maunder                  100.169         2

3rd                   Lloyd Baldwin                     99.12

4th                   Pat Hetherington               97.7

5th                   Garry Maunder                  89.11             2

6th                   Ted Van Bronswjik(Vis)   83.7                1

7th                   Rob West                             53.8                1


Field Class Prone/ Supported

1st                   Len Stow                              100.20           3

2nd                  John Kelly                            100.18           4

3rd                   Paul Boardman                  100.14

4th                   Chris Goggin                        100.9             1

5th                   Linna Ng                               92.4

6th                   Jack Chow                            84.3

Field Match

1st                   Lionel Slade                         99.18             6

Service Class Standing

1st                   Allan Daniel                         86.2

2nd                  John Bi                                  84.0

Mosman RSL Invitational Shoot, Sunday 24th March 2024 at 200 Metres

15 Shot Application Shoot…. Maximum Score 75.15

Field Rifle

Placing                      Competitor                                      Score             Pinholes

1st                               Nefertiti Malcolm                          72.7

2nd                              Danny Gordon                                70.4

3rd                               Lisa Burke                                        68.6

4th                               Monika Crennan                            68.6

5th                               Josephine James                            68.4

6th                               Krishna Poso                                   67.3

7th                               Flynn Malcolm                               66.3

8th                               Allen James                                     62.2                1

Service Rifle

1st                               Stirling Smith                                  65.1

2nd                              Gerald Mc Cormack                     58.1

3rd                               Geoff Richards                                56.0

4th                               Luke Gordon                                   54.1

5th                               Jamie Malcolm                               54.0

6th                               Angus Crennan                               53.1

7th                               Helen Lofthouse                            52.0

8th                               Steven Ryan                                    50.0

9th                               Mick Crosbie                                   42.0

10th                             Oscar Guazzarotto                        41.0

11th                             Andrew James                                39.0

12th                             Jason Hazell                                    32.0

13th                             Patrick Durrant                              30.0

Eighteenth Battalion Members

Field Rifle

1st                               Bryan Mak                                       74.11

2nd                              Bede Ireland                                   72.7

Service Rifle

1st                               Mark Greene                                  69.5


Military Match 7 Sunday 24th March 2024 at 200 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

10 shot application on a 4ft military target, then one 50 second exposure on a Fig 13 target – 10 shots

15 competitors

Service Sniper                                                   Appl                 Rapid                Agg

1st                    Bryan Mak                                47.2                 48.6                 95.8

2nd                    James Taylor                             49.9                 42.0                 91.9

Service Rifle SRA

1st                    Vadim Kaluzny                          50.7.1               40.1                 90.8.1

2nd                    Michal Kucharski                       47.2                 40.1                 87.3

3rd                    Neil Mills                                  37.4                 24.2                 61.6

4th                    Allan Daniel                              42.0                 15.1                 57.1

Field Match

1st                     Lionel Slade                              50.10                50.10                100.20

2nd                    Linna Ng                                   50.6                 48.8                 98.14

3rd                    Lloyd Baldwin                           50.9.1               47.8                 97.17.1

Field Rifle

1st                    Kevin McDermott                      50.9                 46.5                 96.14

2nd                    Michael Gammidge                   50.6                 39.5                 89.11

3rd                    Luke Oitzinger                           50.4                 25.2                 75.6

4th                    Jack Chow                                 40.5                 12                    52.5

February 2024

 Field and Service Class Results Sunday 4th February 2024 at 200 Metres

Field Class Prone

Placing          Competitor                          Score             Pinholes

1st                   Michal Kucharski               100.18           3

2nd                  Kevin Mc Dermott             100.17           2

3rd                   Richard Suffield (Vis)        100.16           1

4th                   Luke Oitzinger                    98.9                1

5th                   Michael Gammidge          97.9                3

6th                   Pat Hetherington               84.6

7th                   Andrew Hestelow             79.1

8th                   Sri Arumugam (Vis)           70.1

Field Class Prone/Supported

1st                   David Stokes                       100.15           1

2nd                  Diane Magaric                    96.10             3

3rd                   Len Stow                              98.12             1

4th                   Michael Daniel                   97.8

5th                   Jack Chow                            72.0

Field Class Sitting

1st                   Brett Swadling                    80.2

Service Class Prone

1st                   Lloyd Baldwin                     90.5

2nd                  Rob Greenberg                   71.0

Service Class Prone/Supported

1st                   Neil Mills                              82.3

2nd                  Steve Williams                   71.0

Service Class Sitting

1st                   Allan Daniel                         82.0

2nd                  John Bi                                  80.2

Service Sniper

1st                   John Kelly                            93.10

Field Match

1st                   Lionel Slade                         99.16             2

2nd                  James Taylor                       94.7                1

Military Match 1 Sunday 4th February 2024 at 200 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

10 shot application on a 4ft military target, then ten 4 second exposure on a Fig 11 target, 1 shot each exposure

14 competitors

Service Rifle SRA – sitting                                               Appl                 Rapid                Agg

1st                    James Taylor                             46.3                 22.0                 68.3

2nd                    Allan Daniel                              37.2                 27.0                 64.2

Service Rifle SRA – prone/supported

1st                    Lloyd Baldwin                           50.3                 39.0                 89.3

2nd                    Michal Kucharski                       43.2                 40.3                 83.5

3rd                    Neil Mills                                  46.1                 37.0                 83.1

4th                    Vadim Kaluzny                          46.6                 25.0                 71.6

Field Rifle – prone/supported

1st                    Lionel Slade                              50.10.1             50.10                100.20.1

2nd                    Johannes Venter (vis)                49.5.1               50.9                 91.5.1

3rd                    Jack Chow                                 48.4                 42.5                 90.9

4th                    Kevin McDermott                      50.10.2             39.7                 89.17.2

5th                    Rudolf Rose (vis)                       50.4.1               39.7                 89.11.1

6th                    Michael Gammidge                   50.6                 37.3                 87.9

7th                    Ali (vis)                                     47.3                 27.0                 74.3

8th                    Andreh (vis)                              43.1                 28.1                 71.2

Black Powder Event and .22 mil trainer match Sunday 11th February 2024 at 100 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

2 sighters (convertible) plus 10 shot application from 100m (prone or supported) on a 4ft black and yellow military target.  This will be followed by one 90 second exposure on a figure 13 – 10 shots in that time. 22 rounds required

23 competitors

Service Rifle SRA                                               Appl                 Rapid                Agg

1st                    Neil Mills                                  50.9.1               45.4                 95.13.1

2nd                    Vadim Kaluzny                          50.7                 45.2                 95.7

3rd                    Sam Chan (V)                            47.4                 30.1                 77.5

4th                    John Bi                                     48.4                 29.0                 77.4

.22 Military Training rifle – prone/supported

1st                    Lloyd Baldwin                           50.8                 46.0                 96.8

2nd                    Linna Ng                                   45.6                 44.1                 89.7

3rd                    Michal Kucharski                       47.5                 42.0                 89.5

4th                    Bede Ireland                             50.0.1               35.1                 85.10.1

5th                    Gabriel Cestier (V)                     50.8                 34.1                 84.9

6th                    Robert Greenberg                     46.4                 26.0                 72.4

7th                    Pat Hethrington                        46.3                 17.0                 63.3

8th                    Michael Gammidge                   37.0                 0                      37.0

Field Rifle – prone/supported

1st                    Rick Suffield (V)                         50.10                50.10                100.20

2nd                    Jon Blair (V)                              50.6                 50.10                100.16

3rd                    Len Stow                                  50.10                50.2                 100.12

4th                    Ariel Laughlin (V)                       50.4                 50.1                 100.5

5th                    Jack Chow                                 45.5.1               50.4                 95.9.1

6th                    Simon Smithers                         49.4                 41.0                 90.4

7th                    William Butterfield (V)               36.2                 41.0                 77.2

Black Powder – prone/supported

1st                    James Taylor                             49.4                 44.1                 93.5

2nd                    Allan Daniel                              48.4                 44.1                 92.5

3rd                    Bede Ireland                             49.1                 20.0                 69.1

4th                    Rob Greenberg                         25.0                 8.0                   33.0

Rimfire Results Sunday 11th February 2024 at 75/50/25 Metres

36 shot match…. Maximum Possible 180.36

1st        Michal Kucharski                                 172.19

2nd       Allan Daniel                                         171.17

3rd        Lloyd Baldwin                                     167.21

4th        James Taylor                                       166.21

5th        Simon Smithers                                   160.20

6th        Neil Mills                                             157.15

7th        Sam Chan (V)                                      139.9

8th        Linna Ng                                              113.5

Field and Service Class Results Sunday 18th February 2024 at 300 Metres

20 Shot Match + 2 sighters… Max Possible 100.20.20
Placing Competitor                                 Score
(Total . V’s . Pinholes)


1st         Michal Kucharski                       100 . 13 . 1
2nd       Jonathan Stewart (Assoc)     98 . 12 . 0
3rd        Mark Dabbs                                  98 . 10 . 2
4th        Lisa McCarthy                             98 . 8 . 0
5th        Simon Smithers                          96 . 5 . 0
6th        Michael Gammidge                  91 . 9 . 0
7th        Kevin McDermott                     89 . 5 . 0
8th        Chris Goggin                                73 . 8 . 0

FIELD RIFLE prone/supported

1st         Leonard Stow                             97 . 12 . 0
2nd       Jack  Chow                                   87 . 1 . 0
3rd        David Cornick                             80 . 2 . 0
4th        Bill Daniel                                      51 . 0 . 0


1st         Lionel Slade                                 94 . 11 . 2

SERVICE RIFLE prone/supported

1st         Lloyd Baldwin                             82 . 1 . 0
2nd       John Bi                                            81 . 1 . 0
3rd        Archie Wilson (.TM)                65 . 0 . 0


1st         Neil Mills                                      68 . 1 . 0
2nd       Linna Ng                                       26 . 0 . 0

Pin Holes: Michal Kucharski 1, Mark Dabbs,
Lionel Slade 2

Military Match 2 Results Sunday 18th February 2024 at 200 Metres

10 Shot application with 2 convertible sighters. Then 10 shot snap, 8 sec exposure 2 shots/exposure.
Maximum score 100.10.10

Placing Competitor                               Appl                      Snap                      Agg
(Total . V’s . Pinholes)

FIELD CLASS prone/supported

1st         Kevin McDermott                  50.9.0                   50.10.0               100.19.0
2nd       Michael Gammidge               50.7.1                   49.7.0                    99.14.1
3rd        Simon Smithers                       47.2.1                   50.5.0                    97.7.1
4th        Linna Ng                                      50.5.0                   42.4.0                    92.9.0
5th        Jack  Chow                                 46.5.0                   34.1.0                    80.6.0
6th        Lindsay Jin (.TM)                     50.6.0                   18.0.0                    68.6.0
7th        Els Leung (.TM)                        48.2.0                   15.1.0                    63.3.0

FIELD CLASS standard

=1st      Mark Dabbs                               42.1.0                   17.1.0                    59.2.0
=1st      Lisa McCarthy                          38.2.0                   21.0.0                    59.2.0


1st         Lionel Slade                              50.10.2                 48.8.0                    98.18.2
2nd       Dominic So (.TM)                    47.3.0                   39.2.0                    86.5.0
3rd        Ernie Leung (.TM)                   48.3.0                   34.0.0                    82.3.0

SRA prone/supported

1st         Lloyd Baldwin                           48.4.0                   45.5.0                    93.9.0
2nd       Neil Mills                                      47.2.0                   21.1.0                    68.3.0
3rd        Michal Kucharski                    45.3.0                   17.0.0                    62.3.0

SRC prone/supported

1st         Bill Daniel                                   46.3.0                   9.0.0                      55.3.0

January 2024

Field and Service results Sunday 7th January 2024 at 300 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

27 competitors

Field Class Prone/Supported

1st                    Michal Kucharski                       100.18.1

2nd                    Marty Luke (A)                          100.16.2

3rd                    Simon Smithers                         98.9

4th                    Chris Goggin                             97.10

5th                    John Kelly                                 95.10.1

6th                    Scott Evans                               94.7

7th                    Javid Nabavi                              89.3

7th                    Luke Oitzinger                           89.3

8th                    Michael Gammidge                   83.1

9th                    Mark Greene                            82.0

10th                  Jack Chow                                 79.3

11th                  Stephen Clarke (V)                    75.0

12th                  Anthony Stacey (V                     53.1


Field Match

1st                    Lionel Slade                              98.8

2nd                    Linna Ng                                   81.2

Service Class SRA

1st                     John Gale                                 93.9.2

2nd                    John Bi                                     81.2

3rd                    Pat Hetherington                      78.1.1

4th                    Ron Greenberg                         78.0

5th                    Lloyd Baldwin                           72.1

6th                    Allan Daniel                              60.0

7th                    Sam Poutain (V)                        53.0

8th                    Jake Holland                             9.0

Service Sniper

1st                    Len Stow                                  92.3.1

2nd                    Neil Mills                                  91.4

3rd                    James Taylor                             84.1

4th                    Graeme Levitt                           74.0

Rimfire Results Sunday 7th January 2024 at 75/50/25 Metres

36 shot match…. Maximum Possible 180.36

Congratulations to Simon Smithers, this is only the 2nd time in recent years that a possible has been scored for the rimfire match.  The last was Andrew Bell and that was at least 4 years ago.

1st        Simon Smithers                                              180.24

2nd       Allan Daniel                                                     171.22

3rd        Chris Goggin                                                    169.18

4th        Lionel Slade                                                     168.23

5th        James Taylor                                                   166.14

6th        Neil Mills                                                         153.12

7th        Michal Kucharski                                             153.9

8th        Lloyd Baldwin                                                 152.10

9th        Linna Ng                                                          146.4

10th      Warren Martin                                                141.10

Michal Kucharski (2nd shoot)                                      169.17

Lloyd Baldwin (2nd shoot)                                           157.8

Sunday 14th January 2024

The Doug Reeves Memorial Martini Match – using the Field and Service match format at 100m

Remembering the Battle of Rorke’s Drift


Placing          Competitor                          Score                                     Pinholes

1st                   Allan Daniel                         83.2

2nd                  James Taylor                       80.2  (Black Powder 450/577)

3rd                   Len Stow                              80.0

4th                   Len Stow (2nd Shoot)       76.1

5th                   Rob Greenberg                   59.0   (Black Powder 450/577)


1st                   Lloyd Baldwin                     74.3  (Black Powder 450/577)


1st                   Michal Kucharski               96.8

2nd                  John Gale                             91.5  (Black Powder 450/577)

3rd                   Neil Mills                              87.9

4th                   Alan Cunneen                     85.4

5th                   Bede Ireland                       81.4

About Doug Reeves

Doug Reeves was a member of Eighteenth Battalion Memorial Rifle Club for over 20 years. He joined when the 18Bn was an associate club of North Sydney Rifle Club long before we went out on our own. He served as Club Captain for a couple of years and finally settled in as Club Secretary.

During his service with the club he was responsible for us extending our shooting from Field Class into  Military Matches. Doug was a life-long fan of the SMLE No 1 Mk 111 and he always maintained that the No 4’s would never catch on. Too modern!

He initiated the Martini Match as it was then known, and spent a lot of time traipsing around Sydney looking for memorabilia etc for trophies. One year he went to the Sydney Art Museum and purchased a print of a portrait of the Battle of Rorke’s Drift. I was fortunate enough to win it and it is now framed and hanging on my lounge room wall. Thank you, Doug. I will always have something to remind me of you.

Sadly Doug is no longer with us. After suffering from depression, Doug regrettably took his own life and will ever be remembered by this club for all his efforts. The club has honoured Doug by renaming the Martini Match to the Doug Reeves Memorial Martini Match. Vale Doug.

Max Johnson Hon Treasurer

Field and Service Results Sunday 14th January 2024 at 100 Metres

Field Rifle Prone/Supported

Placing          Competitor                                      Score                         Pinholes

1st                   Jon Stewart                                     100.20                       7

2nd                  Kevin Mc Dermott                         100.20                       6

3rd                   Helen Kingsford                             100.20                       2

4th                   John Kelly                                        100.19

5th                   Chris Goggin                                    100.17                       3

6th                   Lewis Turner (Vis)                         98.9                            1

7th                   Pat Hetherington                           97.9

8th                   Linna Ng                                           95.19                         5

9th                   Michael Daniel                               94.13                         2

10th                 Sam Pountain (Vis)                       89.1

Field Rifle Standing

1st                   Bret Swadling                                 89.3

2nd                  Jake Holland                                   77.1

Service Class

1st                   Matt Pountain (Vis)                      38.0

Rimfire Results Sunday 14th January 2024 at 75/50/25 Metres

36 shot match…. Maximum Possible 180.36

1st        Lloyd Baldwin and Helen Kingsford              180.28

2nd       Allan Daniel                                                     171.20

3rd        Chris Goggin                                                    170.20

4th        Michal Kucharski                                             168.18

5th        James Taylor                                                   167.9

6th        Warren Martin                                                137.7

7th        Linna Ng                                                          135.5

8th        Neil Mills                                                         unknown – the score pad was so wet the score could not be

Field and Service results Sunday 21st January 2024 at 200 metres

20 Shot Match + 2 sighters… Max Possible 100.20.20

Placing Competitor                                 Score
(Total . V’s . Pinholes)

FIELD RIFLE Prone/Supported

1st         Michal Kucharski                     100 . 19 . 4
2nd       Chris Goggin                               100 . 16 . 2
3rd        John Kelly                                    100 . 11 . 1
4th        Mark Dabbs                                100 . 10 . 0
5th        Lisa McCarthy                             98 . 12 . 2
6th        Leonard Stow                              93 . 7 . 0
7th        Michael Daniel                            92 . 8 . 0
8th        Michael Gammidge                  89 . 4 . 0
9th        Pat Hetherington                      86 . 3 . 1
10th      StevenWilliams                          82 . 2 . 0
11th      Linna Ng                                         79 . 3 . 0
12th      Jett Williams (.TM)                   78 . 5 . 1
13th      Rick Suffield (.TM)                    73 . 3 . 0
=14th      Rob Greenberg                       72 . 0 . 0
=14th      Jack  Chow                                 72 . 0 . 0


1st         Brett Swadling                            83 . 1 . 0
2nd       Kevin McDermott                     78 . 1 . 0


1st         Lionel Slade                              100 . 16 . 4

SERVICE RIFLE prone/supported

1st         John Gale                                      96 . 5 . 1
2nd       Neil Mills                                       92 . 5 . 0
3rd        Lloyd Baldwin                             86 . 2 . 0
4th        Alan Cunneen                             82 . 2 . 0


1st         Allan Daniel                                 78 . 1 . 1


1st         James Taylor                               95 . 13 . 1

Rimfire Results Sunday 21st January 2024 at 75/50/25 Metres

36 shot match…. Maximum Possible 180.36

1st         Allan Daniel                                 174 . 15
2nd       James Taylor                                172 . 21
3rd        Michal Kucharski                      169 . 19
4th        Lloyd Baldwin                             167 . 15
5th        Lionel Slade                                 166 . 17
6th        Neil Mills                                       158 . 19
7th        StevenWilliams                          136 . 4
8th        Jett Williams (.TM)                   133 . 3
.              Chris Goggin                                 DNF . 0

Field and Service Results Sunday 28th January 2024 at 300 Metres

20 Shot Match + 2 sighters… Max Possible 100.20.20

Placing Competitor                                 Score
(Total . V’s . Pinholes)


1st         Michal Kucharski                   100 . 16 . 2
2nd       Kevin McDermott                   99 . 12 . 0
3rd        Marty Luke (assoc)                 99 . 8 . 0
4th        Mark Greene                              96 . 7 . 0
5th        Rob Greenberg                          96 . 6 . 0
6th        Michael Gammidge                 92 . 7 . 0
7th        David Knott                                 75 . 0 . 0
8th        Daeya Ostlund                           72 . 1 . 0

FIELD CLASS prone/supported

1st         David Cornick                             84 . 1 . 0
2nd       Jack  Chow                                   71 . 2 . 0


1st         Graeme Levitt                            72 . 1 . 0
2nd       Pat Hetherington                      63 . 0 . 0


1st         Leonard Stow                             95 . 6 . 0
2nd       Neil Mills                                      90 . 6 . 0
3rd        John Kelly                                    87 . 4 . 0
4th        Alan Cunneen                            83 . 3 . 0


1st         Tommy Yip (.TM)                      99 . 12 . 0
2nd       Lionel Slade                                 98 . 2 . 1
3rd        Malcolm Day                               97 . 5 . 0
4th         Lloyd Baldwin                            74 . 3 . 0

Militray Match 7 Results Sunday 28th January 2024 at 100 Metres

10 shot application on a 4ft military target, then one 50 second exposure on a Fig 11 target – 10 shots

Maximum possible 100.20.20

Placing Competitor                                   Appl                  Snap                      Agg
(Total . V’s . Pinholes)

SRA Standard

1st         James Taylor                                48.5.0                27.1.0                    75.6.0
2nd       David Knott                                  42.1.0                31.2.0                    73.3.0

SRA prone/supported

1st         Lloyd Baldwin                              50.10.0             50.6.0                   100.16.0
2nd       Michal Kucharski                       44.0.0                46.4.0                    90.4.0
3rd        Nick Woods                                  48.6.0                40.3.0                    88.9.0
4th        Vadim Kaluzny                            50.5.0                33.0.0                    83.5.0
5th        Neil Mills                                        49.4.0                33.3.0                    82.7.0
6th        Michael Woods                          40.1.0                32.0.0                    72.1.0


1st         Lionel Slade                                  50.10.3             49.9.0                    99.19.3

FIELD CLASS prone/supported

1st         Kevin McDermott                     50.10.2             50.10.0                 100.20.2
2nd       Malcolm Day                                50.9.3                50.9.0                    100.18.3
3rd        Michael Gammidge                   50.9.1                46.5.0                    96.14.1
4th        Gavin Qi Running (.TM)           50.6.0                45.8.0                    95.14.0
5th        Reagan Jianon Shi (.TM)          47.3.0                28.3.0                    75.6.0
6th        Jack  Chow                                      50.8.1                18.0.0                    68.8.1

Vasily Zaitsev sniper match Wednesday 31st January 2024

Shot with Mosin Nagant rifles – 10 shot application with 2 sighters at 300m – maximum score 50.10

SRC (rifle with scope)
Vadim Kalunzy                  48.3