
18 Battalion Digger’s Day Results Sunday 4th October 2015
8 Scoring shots at 200 Metres Max Score 40.8
Place      Competitor             Unit                              Score
1st          Phil Easton             9LAA                              37.1
2nd        Garry Ward             MP Training Centre           33.0
3rd         David Eyres            RAE                                33.0
4th         Vadim Kaluzny        Red Army                       32.2
5th         Barry Bradshaw      18 LAA                            32.1
6th         David Prizeman      12 Fld Rgt                        31.2
7th         Greg Rogers           110 Sigs                          31.2
8th         Tim Mellier             3 RAR                             31.0
9th         Ray Carlin              02 Fld Rgt                       30.2
10th       Anthony Clarke       12/16 Hunter River L.      30.1
11th       Scott McMahon       2/17 Bn                           29.1
12th       Craig Lawrance       RAN                                29.0
13th       Graeme Swalwell    National Service Bn          28.1
14th       Charlie Hankin        12 Fld Rgt                       27.2
15th       Brian Kirk               1 Commando Coy            27.1
16th       David Mc Dowell     101 Bty                           26.1
17th       Lorne Bramley        RAN                                26.0
18th       Steve Mc Gregor     Spitfire Association          25.0
19th       William Dalyell        RAE (This guy is 95 y)     25.0
20th       Garry Keenan         1WWCT                          25.0

Hunt Club Shoot Results Sunday 18th October 2015 at 200 M.

Running Elk
1st Bede Ireland 141.2
2nd James Taylor 128.1
3rd Max Johnson 126.1
4th Neil Mills 99.0
5th Garry Maunder 80.0
6th Lloyd Baldwin 78.1
Running Elk/ Running Rabbit
1st Max Johnson 195.3
2nd Scott Drake (Visitor) 160.0
3rd Neil Mills 154.4
4th James Taylor 138.0
5th Simon Drake (Visitor) 131.0
6th Garry Maunder 104.0
7th Lloyd Baldwin 58.0

Field and Rimfire Results Sunday 25th October 2015 at 100 Metres

1st Andrew Bell 175.18

2nd Rob Greenberg 166.20

3rd Lionel Slade 159.12

4th Pat Hetherington 152.7

5th Max Johnson 148.11

Military Match 1 Results Sunday 1st November 2015 at 300M.


Placing   Competitor        Application     Snap      Agg.
1st         Rob Greenberg          39.1             26.1       65.2
2nd       Graeme Levitt            38.0             23.1       61.1
3rd        Lloyd Baldwin            35.0            25.0        60.0
4th        Allan Daniel               28.0            20.0        48.0
1st        Bede Ireland            50.8             47.4        97.12
2nd       Alan Cunneen           47.3             48.3        95.6
3rd        Garry Maunder         44.1             42.2        86.3
4th        Max Johnson            47.2             28.1        75.3
5th        Pat Hetherington      41.2             31.0        72.2
6th        John Kelly                42.1             27.1        69.2
Field Match
1st          David Steele           50.10          42.0          92.10
Field Rifle
1st          John Skinner           48.3            24.2         72.5

Field and Rimfire Results Sunday 1st November 2015 at 100M.

1st Allan Daniel 162.11

2nd Lloyd Baldwin 155.4 

3rd Lionel Slade 151.11

4th Max Johnson 145.7