January 2022

Field and Service results Sunday 9th January 2022 at 300 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

19 competitors

Field Match

1st                       Lionel Slade                                   100.10

2nd                      Malcolm Day (Alpine)                   97.13

3rd                       David Cornick                                97.6

4th                       Kevin McDermott                         95.4

5th                       Scott Evans                                    84.1

Field Rifle

1st                      Mark Greene (Alpine)                                96.8

2nd                     Chris Goggin (Apline)                                 96.5

3rd                       David Stokes                                               95.7

4th                       Conner Stokes (Visitor)                              80.0

5th                       Stephen Thomson (Alpine)                        61.0

Service Rifle

1st                       James Taylor                                 85.1

2nd                      Bryan Mak                                     71.0

3rd                       Pat Hetherington                          55.0

4th                       Daeya Corazon (visitor)               39.0

5th                       James Reville                                23.0

Service Sniper

1st                       Neil Mills                                       88.2

2nd                      Bill Daniel                                      73.1

3rd                       Michael Gammidge                      67.0

Service Rifle Prone / Supported

1st                       Alan Cunneen                               92.4

Rimfire Results Sunday 9th January 2022 at 75/50/25 Metres

36 shot match…. Maximum Possible 180.36

1st        Mark Greene                                                   174.24

2nd       Lionel Slade                                                     173.14

3rd        Malcolm Day                                                   171.23

4th        James Taylor                                                   168.19

5th        Michael Gammidge                                        162.18

6th        Neil Mills                                                         162.8

7th        Chris Goggin                                                    154.2

Field and Service results Sunday 16th January 2021 at 100 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

Placing                  Competitor                                         Score

Doug Reeves memorial Martini Match


1st                            James Taylor                                      91.6

2nd                          Lloyd Baldwin                                    83.1

3rd                           Len Stow                                             81.2

4th                           John Gale                                            75.2

5th                           Allan Daniel                                        74.0

6th                           Andrew Bell                                        31.0

Both Lloyd and John used original black powder 450/577 Martini’s – great effort with firearms that are 120+ years old

Prone / Supported

1st                           Alan Cunneen                                   97.12

2nd                          Neil Mills                                              83.4

Field Class Standing

1st                           Chris Goggin                                       97.7

2nd                          Graeme Levitt                                   86.2

3rd                           David Knott                                        84.2

4th                           Geoff Horn                                         54.1

Field Class prone / Supported

1st                           Mark Dabbs                                        100.20 possible

2nd                          Lisa McCarthy                                    100.18

3rd                           Will Koehn (visitor)                         98.5

4th                           Pat Hetherington                             95.8

5th                           Alexai Abouhamad (visitor)          87.4

6th                           William Butterfield                          38.0

Field match

1st                           Lionel Slade                                        100.20 possible

2nd                          Kevin McDermott                            100.19

3rd                           Scott Evans                                         100.18

4th                           David Brooks-Horn                          90.5

Service Class Standing

1st                           Brett Swadling                                   80.1

Service Class Prone / Supported

1st                           John Ladyman                                   85.3

2nd                          John Bi                                                  78.3

3rd                           Kai Cen (visitor)                74.1

Service Sniper

1st                           Bill Daniel                                            85.2

Rimfire Results Sunday 16th January 2022 at 75/50/25 Metres

36 shot match…. Maximum Possible 180.36

1st        James Taylor                                                   174.14

2nd       Chris Goggin                                                    169.21

3rd        Allan Daniel                                                     167.23

3rd        Chris Hestelow                                                167.23

4th        Lionel Slade                                                     163.15

5th        Andrew Hestelow                                           159.8

6th        Dylan Maunder                                               153.16

7th        Jeremy Hestelow                                             147.15

8th        Neil Mills                                                         146.9

9th        Garry Maunder                                               135.8

10th      Lloyd Baldwin                                                  130.2

11th      William Butterfield                                         88.0

Field and Service results Sunday 23rd January 2022 at 200 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

Field Class Prone / Supported

Placing               Competitor                                    Score

1st                       Mark Dabbs                                   100.16

2nd                      Lisa McCarthy                               100.16

3rd                       Mark Greene (Alpine)                  100.14

4th                       Simon Smithers                             100.12

5th                       Michael Gammidge                      99.8

6th                       Will Koehn (visitor)                      99.3

7th                       Paul Boardman                             94.6

8th                       Ari Dixon-Smithers (visitor)         89.12

9th                       Claudia Wyman (visitor)              88.2

10th                     Bill Daniel                                      87.6

11th                     David Stokes                                 87.3

12th                     Connor Stokes (visitor)                85.3

13th                     Pat Hetherington                          72.3

Field Class Sitting

1st                       Chris Goggin                                  85.6

Service Sniper

1st                       Alan Cunneen                               98.11

2nd                      John Kelly                                      83.4

Service Class Prone / Supported

1st                       Neil Mills                                       94.5

2nd                      John Gale                                       87.3

3rd                       John Bi                                           79.1

4th                       James Reville                                74.0

5th                       Daeya Corazon                              66.0

6th                       John Ladyman                               62.0

7th                       Rob Greenberg                              55.2

Field Match

1st                       Malcolm Day                                 100.19

2nd                      Lionel Slade                                   100.18

3rd                       Lloyd Baldwin                                100.15

4th                       Scott Evans                                    90.4

5th                       David Cornick                                89.0

Pin holes: Mark Dabbs 3, Lloyd Baldwin 3, Ari Dixon-Smithers 2, Lisa McCarthy 1, Mark Greene 1

Rimfire Results Sunday 23rd January 2022 at 75/50/25 Metres

36 shot match…. Maximum Possible 180.36

9 competitors

1st         Malcolm Day                                                          176.23

2nd        Scott Evans                                                             175.19

3rd         Lionel Slade                                                            169.17

4th         Mark Greene                                                          167.19

5th         Chris Goggin                                                           166.23

6th         Paul Boardman                                                      156.14

7th         Pat Hetherington                                                  153.13

8th         John Kelly                                                                151.19

9th         Neil Mills                                                                  150.08

Field and Service results Sunday 30th January 2022 at 300 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

28 competitors

Field Match

1st                       LLoyd Baldwin                              99.9

2nd                      Scott Evans                                    91.3

3rd                       Bill Daniel                                      83.1

Field Rifle Prone / Supported

Placing               Competitor                                    Score

1st                       Lisa McCarthy                               99.9

2nd                      Alexia Abohamad (visitor)           91.3

3rd                       Paul Boardman                             80.3

Field Rifle Standard

1st                      Mark Dabbs                                   100.13

2nd                     Michael Gammidge                      96.5

3rd                       Kevin McDermott                         92.11

4th                       Rob Greenberg                              92.4

5th                       Will Koehn (visitor)                      89.1

6th                       Claudia Wyman                            88.2

7th                       Chris Goggin                                  80.7

8th                       Len Stow                                       79.3

9th                       Andrew Peake                               68.0

Service Rifle Standard

1st                       James Taylor                                 82.1

2nd                      Andrew Bell                                  79.1

3rd                       John Bi                                           74.0

4th                       Pat Hetherington                            68.1

5th                       Daeya Corazon                              58.2

6th                       Allan Daniel                                   49.0

7th                       James Reville                                27.0

8th                       John Ladyman                              10.0

Service Sniper

1st                       John Gale                                      98.6

2nd                      Neil Mills                                       81.2

3rd                       John Kelly                                      69.1

Service Class Prone / Supported

1st                       John Ladyman                               58.0

2nd                      Scott Cunningham (visitor)          45.0

Military Match 7 Sunday 30th January 2022 at 100 metres

Maximum possible 100.20

10 shot application on a 4ft military target, then 10 shots in 50 seconds on a Fig 11 target

23 competitors

Field Match

1st                       LLoyd Baldwin                               100.20

2nd                      Scott Evans                                    100.19

3rd                       Alexia Abohamad (visitor)           95.16

Field Rifle

Placing               Competitor                                    Score

1st                       Lisa McCarthy                               100.20 and 2 pin holes

2nd                      Michael Gammidge                      100.20

3rd                      Mark Dabbs                                   100.18

4th                      Will Koehn (visitor)                       100.16

5th                      Chris Goggin                                  99.15

6th                      Pat Hetherington                          90.6

7th                      Claudia Wyman                            89.13

8th                      Kevin McDermott                         88.7

9th                      Paul Boardman                             71.6

Service Rifle SRA – Standing

1st                       James Taylor                                 95.9

2nd                      Allan Daniel                                   93.3

3rd                       John Gale                                      79.2

4th                       John Bi                                          74.3

Service Rifle SRA – Prone/Supported

1st                       Neil Mills                                       99.8

2nd                      Vadim Kaluzny                              94.7

3rd                       Andrew Bell                                  86.6

4th                       James Reville                                76.0

5th                       Daeya Corazon                              65.1

Service Rifle SRC – Prone/Supported

1st                       Bill Daniel                                      96.10

2nd                      John Kelly                                      86.7