June 2024

Field and Service Results Sunday 9th June 2024 at 100 Metres

Field Class Standing

Placing          Competitor                                      Score             Pinholes

1st                    David Knott                                     79.0

2nd                  John Bi                                              76.0

3rd                   Ray Withnell                                   62.1

Field Class Prone

1st                    Michal Kucharski                           100.20           7

2nd                  Kevin Mc Dermott                         100.20

3rd                   Malcolm Day                                   100.19

4th                   Anthony Stacey (Assoc)               99.11

5th                   Pat Hetherington                           94.13

6th                   Ali Armin                                          84.16

Field Class Sitting

1sr                  Chris Goggin                                    97.10

Field Class Prone/Supported

1st                    Len Stow                                          100.20           4

2nd                  Neil Mills                                          100.19           2

3rd                   Michael Gammidge                      100.19           1

4th                   Geoffrey Horn                                100.15           2

5th                   John Kelly                                         92.5

6th                   Linna Ng                                           88.3

7th                   Richard Harper                               73.0

Field Match

1st                    David Brooks-Horn                       100.15           1

2nd                  Lionel Slade                                     99.16             14

3rd                   Lloyd Baldwin                                 95.19             5

Service Class Standing

1st                    James Taylor                                   93.3

2nd                  Allan Daniel                                     85.1

Service Class Prone

1st                    John Gale                                         98.6                1

2nd                  Rob Greenberg                               85.5

Service Class Sitting

1st                    Ross Blade                                       89.3

Rimfire Results Sunday 9th June 2024 at 75/50/25 Metres

36 shot match…. Maximum Possible 180.36

1st          Malcolm Day                                              180.14

2nd         Mark Greene                                              172.19

3rd         Lionel Slade                                                172.18

4th         Dale Jackson                                               `171.24

5th         Neil Mills                                                      171.21

6th         Michal Kucharski                                       171.18

7th         James Taylor                                               171.11

8th         Allan Daniel                                                162.15

9th         Lloyd Baldwin                                             162.13

10th       John Kelly                                                    141.16

11th       Linna Ng                                                       134.8

12th       Anthony Stacy                                            125.7

13th       Ray Withnell                                               113.1

Princess Louise Match – Sunday 16th June 2024

This match is shot at 300, 200 and 100 meters.  Starting at 300m and moving to 200 then 100 meters after all competitors have completed the course of fire at each distance.

300m prone on a military target – 2 sighters and then a 10 shot application, then 1 exposure of 50 seconds – 10 shots in that time (total 22 rounds).

200m sitting or kneeling – Fig 12 target, 2 sighters then 5 exposures of 8 seconds, 2 shots per exposure (total 12 rounds).

100m standing – Fig 13 target, 2 sighters then 10 exposures of 3 seconds, 1 shot per exposure (total 12 rounds).

Total match – 46 rounds   Maximum possible 200.40

Service Rifle SRA                           300m    300m    200m    100m    Total

1st          Lloyd Baldwin                  47.3       40.2       40.2       45.3       172.10

2nd         James Taylor                    42.0       44.1       34.0       36.3       156.4

3rd          Neil Mills                           44.1       33.0       34.1       42.2       153.4

4th          Michal Kucharski             47.1       44.0       23.0       26.2       140.3

5th          David Knott                      42.2       31.0       28.1       38.3       139.6

6th          John Bi                              37.3       43.0       23.0       25.0       128.3

7th          Daeya Ostlund                 41.1       34.0       17.0       24.1       116.2

8th          John Gale                          47.4.1   43.1       0.0         0.0         90.5.1

9th          BJ Taylor                           45.2       42.1       0.0         0.0         87.3

Service Rifle SRB

1st          Ross Blade                        40.2       34.1       0.0         0.0         74.3

Service Rifle SRC

1st          Linna Ng                            41.0       40.3       48.5       27.0       156.8

2nd         John Kelly                         42.0       37.1       0.0         0.0         79.1

Field Rifle

1st          Kevin McDermott           50.6.3   46.2       50.9       37.4       183.21.3

2nd         Bryan Mak                        50.5.1   41.1       44.3       48.5       183.14.1

3rd          Rick Suffield                     50.6.1   48.4       50.9       27.0       175.20.1

4th          Michael Gammidge        49.4       37.0       42.6       45.7       173.17

5th          Chris Goggin                     49.7       50.7       38.2       33.0       170.16

6th          Rob Greenberg                48.5       39.4       35.2       35.2       157.13

7th          Javid Nabavi                     50.9.2   43.5       0.0         0.0         93.14.2

Field Match

1st          Lionel Slade                      50.6       50.9.4   50.10    50.9       200.34.4

EO Sydney Results Wednesday  19th June 2024 at 200 Metres

15 shot application, prone on field and service target. Maximum possible score 75.15

Placing          Competitor                                      Score

Field Class

1st          Chris Gray                                            69.6

2nd          Owena Cleary                                      67.2

3rd          James Phillips                                      63.1

4th          Zenny Tran                                            63.0

5th          Michelle Romero                               33.0

Service Class

1st          Bruce Dyshart                                  65.2

.       Bruce’s   2nd shoot                                    73.5

2nd         Hans Dean                                           59.3

3rd          Jason Ince                                             59.0

4th          Daniel Young                                       58.1

5th           Chris Chen                                          57.1

6th           Lorraine Banvon                               55.1

7th           Natali Simonoski                              55.0

8th           Alana Stocks                                        54.0

9th           Georgina Dennis                                53.0

10th          Kieran Cato                                         52.2

11th          Cathy Huang                                       51.1

12th          Libbie Ray                                 50.0

13th          Clovis Young                                       47.1

=14th       Dean Vanes                                         45.0

=14th       John Mineeff                                        45.0

=16th       David Pattersson                               44.0

=16th       Dan Rodgers                                        44.0

PIN HOLE – Kieran Cato