January 2021

Field and Service Results Sunday 10th January 2021 at 300 Metres

                                    Field Class Prone/Supported

Placing          Competitor                                     Score

1st                   Mark Dabbs                                     95.8

2nd                   Lesley Spencer                               95.4

3rd                   Lisa Mc Carthy                                92.4

4th                   Michael Gammidge                      91.1

5th                   Michael Daniel                               86.1

6th                   Paul Boardman                              85.0

                                                            Field Match

1st                   Lionel Slade                                     99.13

2nd                   Lloyd Baldwin                                 98.8

3rd                   Max Johnson                                   96.4

4th                   Dylan Maunder                              93.7

5th                   Bryan Mak                                       84.1

6th                   William Huang                                83.9

                                                     Field Match   2nd Shoot

1st                   William Huang                                95.8

                                                            Service Class

1st                   John Gale                                         87.4

2nd                   John Ladyman                                 31.0



                                                            Service Sniper

1st                   Alan Cunneen                                 99.14

2nd                   John Kelly                                        84.7

3rd                   Neil Mills                                         82.3

4th                   Bill Daniel                                        77.1

5th                   Garry Maunder                              77.0

6th                   Alan Daniel                                      60.0  

 Pinholes: Lisa Mc Carthy  2, Dylan Maunder  1, Mark Dabbs  1,

 Alan Cunneen  1,  John Gale  1, Lloyd Baldwin  1.

Rimfire Results Sunday 10th January 2021 at 75/50/25 Metres

                        36 Shot Match… Maximum Possible 108.36

Placing          Competitor                         Score

1st                   Dylan Maunder                  176.16

2nd                   Lionel Slade                         173.19

3rd                   John Kelly                            165.23

4th                   Pat Hetherington              162.13

5th                   Allan Daniel                        149.15

6th                   Neil Mills                             148.7

7th                   Paul Boardman                  144.11

8th                   Garry Maunder                  134.13

9th                   Warren Martin                   122.8

Vasily Zeitsev Cup Results Wednesday 13th January 2021 at 300 Metres

                             10 Shot Match… Maximum Possible 50.10

Placing                      Competitor                          Score

1st                               Vadim Kaluzny                   49.2

Field and Service Results Sunday 17th January2021 at 100 Metres

                 The Doug Reeves Memorial Martini Match


Placing                      Competitor                                      Score

1st                               James Taylor                                   89.4

2nd                              Allan Daniel                                     87.1

3rd                               Len Stow                                          83.6

4th                               John Gale                                         81.3

5th                               Rob Greenberg                               74.1

6th                               Max Johnson                                   67.1

7th                               Neil Mills                                          66.0

8th                               Roger Thornback                           57.0

9th                               William Butterfield (Vis)               35.0

                                                Sitting and Prone Supported

1st                               Lloyd Baldwin                                 84.1

2nd                              Alan Cunneen                                 83.3   

3rd                               Bede Ireland                                    79.0

4th                               Lesley Spencer                               65.0

                                                        Field Class Standard

1st                               Dylan Maunder                              85.3

2nd                              John Bi                                              77.1


                                                Field Class Prone/Supported

1st                               John Kelly                                         100.20

2nd                              Pat Hetherington                           94.7

3rd                               Lawrie Faggotter                           88.3

                                                            Field Match

1st                               Lionel Slade                                     100.19

                                                  Service Class Standing

1st                               Bryan Mak                                       84.1

2nd                              Phil Collins  (Vis)                            69.0

                                                            Service Sniper

1st                               Garry Maunder                              100.18

2nd                              Bill Daniel                                         88.4

3rd                               Michael Daniel                               87.0


Rimfire Results Sunday 17th January 2021 at 75/50/25 Metres

                 36 Shot Match… Maximum Possible 180.36

Placing                      Competitor                          Score

1st                               John Kelly                             168.22

2nd                              Lionel Slade                         165.10

3rd                               Allan Daniel                         160.17

4th                               Dylan Maunder                  159.18

5th                               Pat Hetherington               155.15

6th                               Warren Martin                   154.11

7th                               Ian O’Brien                          153.13

8th                               Paul Boardman                   147.17

9th                               Neil Mills                              144.9

Field and Service Results Sunday 24th January 2021 at 200 Metres

                              Field Class Prone/ Supported

Placing          Competitor                                      Score

1st                   Simon Smithers   (Visitor)            100.17

2nd                  Michael Daniel                               100.10

3rd                   John Kelly                                         99.8

4th                   Lisa  Mc Carthy                               98.11

5th                   Mark Dabbs                                     97.10

6th                   Roger Thornback                           97.8

7th                   Michael Gammidge                       95.4

8th                   Pat Hetherington                           80.0

                                                            Field Match

1st                   Lionel Slade                                     100.17

2nd                  Lloyd Baldwin                                 100.16

3rd                   Dylan Maunder                              98.19

4th                   Andrew Percival (Visitor)            95.19

5th                   Max Johnson                                   94.10

                                                      Field Match Sitting           

1st                   Mark Guest (Visitor)                                92.1

                                                Service Class Prone/Supported

1st                   John Gale                                         92.8

2nd                  Neil Mills                                          87.3

3rd                   Andrew Bell                                    86.2

4th                   Helen Kingsford                             83.1

5th                   Alan Cunneen                                 82.5

6th                   John Ladyman                                65.0

                                                       Service Class Sitting           

1st                   James Taylor                                   86.1

2nd                  Allan Daniel                                     79.1

3rd                   Brett Swadling                                75.1

                                                            Service Sniper

1st                   Bill Daniel                                         92.4

2nd                  Garry Maunder  (Rtd)                  61.4

Pinholes:  Andrew Percival  7, Max Johnson  2, Dylan Maunder  1, Lionel Slade  1, Alan Cunneen  1, Simon Smithers  1, Lloyd Baldwin  1, Lisa Mc Carthy  1,Michael Daniel  1,

Rimfire Results Sunday 24th January 2021 at 75/50/25 Metres

            36 Shot Match… Maximum Possible 180.36

P-lacing                     Competitor                          Score

1st                               Andrew Bell                        176.20

2nd                              Michael Gammidge            173.23

3rd                               Ian O’Brien                          166.17

4th                               James Taylor                       166.14

5th                               Lionel Slade                         162.13

6th                               Neil Mills                              155.12

7th                               Allan Daniel                         154.13

8th                               Helen Kingsford                 150.16

9th                               Cory Murley                        59.0