May 2019

Military Match Results Sunday 5th May 2019 at 300/200 Metres

                               The Princess Louise Short Range Match

                                    300 and 200 Metres (Rain Affected)


Placing          Competitor                          Appl.     Rapid          Dble Snap     Agg.

1st                   Neil Mills                              41.2               38.0             68.1                147.3

2nd                  Lloyd Baldwin                     41.0               24.0             31.0                96.0


1st                   Michael Daniel                   46.1               39.2             73.4                158.7

                                                               Field Rifle

1st                   Lionel Slade                         50.9               50.9             99.18             199.36

2nd                  Kevin Mc Dermott             50.9               44.6             87.7                181.22


Pinholes:      Lionel Slade  2

This event was to be our first chance in 4 years to shoot at 100 metres. And what happened, it bloody rained, didn’t it. Bugger!

Hopefully better weather next time.

Vasily Zeitsev Cup Results Wednesday 8th May 2019 at 300 Metres

10 Shot Match Maximum Score 50.10

1st Vadim Kaluzny 46.1

A very strong field of one!

Field Class Results Sunday 19th May 2019 at 200 Metres

     Owen Clarke Memorial Lee-Enfield V Mausers

                                                 Mausers 200 Metres Sitting

Placing                      Competitor                                      Score

1st                               Rob Greenberg                               81.3

2nd                              Lloyd Baldwin                                 57.0

Average score 2 Shooters                       69.1

                                    Lee- Enfields 200 Metres Sitting

1st                               Brett Swadling                                76.3

2nd                              Greg Cowle                                      55.0

3rd                               Michael Gammidge                        45.0

Average score 3 Shooters                       58.1                        Mausers Win!

                                    Mausers 200 Metres Prone/Supported

1st                               Chris Evans                                      83.2

2nd                              James Taylor                                   68.3

Average score 2Shooters                        75.2

                                    Lee-Enfields 200 Metres Prone/Supported

1st                               BJ Taylor                                           92.4

2nd                              Alan Cunneen                                 90.4

3rd                               Vadim Kaluzny                               87.2

4th                               Neil Mills                                          87.1

Average score 4 Shooters                       89.3                        Lee-Enfields Win!


                                                            Field Rifle

Placing                      Competitor                                      Score

1st                               Lionel Slade                                     100.16

2nd                              Scott Evans                                      98.12

3rd                               Paul Boardman                               95.5

4th                               Kristy Fitzgerald (Vis)                        94.7

                                                            Service Sniper

1st                                                  Garry Maunder                              91.6

2nd                              Bill Daniel                                         86.2

3rd                               Michael Daniel                               85.2

4th                               John Kelly                                         85.1


Pinholes: Lionel Slade  2, Scott Evans  1, James Taylor  1, Paul Boardman  1.

 Rimfire Results Sunday 19th May 2019 at 75/50/25 Metres

1st Lionel Slade 173.23
2nd James Taylor 167.15
3rd Ian O’Brien 164.15
4th Neil Mills 163.13
5th John Kelly 160.19
6th Scott Evans 148.14
7th Michael Gammidge 143.19

Military Match 2 Results Sunday 26th May 2019 at 300 Metres


Placing          Competitor                          Appl.              Snap               Agg.

1st                   Alan Cunneen                     47.3                        37.0                84.3

2nd                  Vadim Kaluzny                   42.3                        20.0                62.3

3rd                   Paul Boardman                   41.0                        17.0                58.0

4th                   Andrew Bell                        44.1                        9.0                  53.1

5th                   Chris Evans                          28.1                        15.1                43.2


1st                   James Taylor                       47.4                        30.1                77.5

2nd                  Graeme Levitt                     36.0                        19.0                55.0


1st                   Neil Mills                              44.2                        30.0                74.2

2nd                  Garry Maunder                  44.1                        17.0                61.1

                                                                   Field Rifle

1st                   Lionel Slade                         49.4                        48.7                97.11

2nd                  Scott Evans                          46.2                        39.2                85.4

3rd                   Richard Harper                   42.2                        0.0                  42.2

Pinholes: Lionel Slade  1, Vadim Kaluzny  1, James Taylor 1.

Military Match 9 Results Sunday 26th May 2019 at 500 Metres

15 Shot Application. Maximum Score75.15


1st Vadim Kaluzny 58.1
2nd Andrew Bell 57.1
3rd Neil Mills 47.0
4th Paul Boardman 42.0


1st James Taylor 67.1


1st Alan Cunneen 62.1
2nd Garry Maunder 58.3

Field Rifle

1st Lionel Slade 70.4
2nd Dylan Maunder  (Visitor) 64.0
3rd Scott Evans 63.0

Pinholes:  Lionel Slade  1.

The winner of the Ralph Jones/Ben Hardy Trophy for 2019 is Vadim Kaluzny, with a combined aggregate of 120 for scores shot at 300 and 500 Metres.

Congratulations Vadim!

Vasily Zeitsev Cup Results Wednesday 29th May 2019 at 300 Metres

10 Shot Match.    Maximum Score 50.10

1st George Baczocha 32.1